Question! Would it be possible to play a Final Fantasy character who has not only their original storyline but also the Dissidia story as well? Assuming, of course, I can make a valid, plausible point on how said FF character was taken from their original canon to fight in Dissidia.
Example: Squall Leonhart was plucked during Time Compression (after seeing Edea absorb Ultimecia's powers in the 'past') before finding himself in the world of Dissidia. When Dissidia ended, he was back in TC again until Rinoa found him.
Not entirely sure if I'll app Squall since I'm considering Lightning Farron from FFXIII who is now included in the Dissidia story but... it couldn't hurt to ask?
Hi! Sorry for the slow reply, we've had a few internet issues that have made it hard for all the mods to get together.
In regards to you're question, apps of this manner are accepted but will be treated case-by-case. As in your example with Squall, provided it all flows well and doesn't throw off the main story of either canon, it's allowed!
Of course. I mean, it's kind of a mot point if you can't fit Dissidia "seamlessly" into the canon FF story, but it is nice to know I could apply with it potentially.
I don't see this listed anywhere but is this game, Journal or Community based?
The welcome letter would be translated into whatever language your character is most comfortable reading, be it English, Swahili, Elvish, or something else entirely.
Hello, I've been considering the game but I have a quick question! Regarding customizable PCs from video games--along the lines of the PCs from the Fable or Fallout games, for example, mostly blank slate characters with veeery little canon history/personality--would they be applied for as a fandom character, or an OC?
While the PCs from games like Fallout and Fable are basically the design of the player, they still follow a set in-game plot path. For this reason, these characters are to be apped as Fandom characters.
hey i keep meaning to ask this, but: are entries from dropped chars still visible in the record? if so is there anything marking them as from people who aren't there anymore?
Comments 26
Example: Squall Leonhart was plucked during Time Compression (after seeing Edea absorb Ultimecia's powers in the 'past') before finding himself in the world of Dissidia. When Dissidia ended, he was back in TC again until Rinoa found him.
Not entirely sure if I'll app Squall since I'm considering Lightning Farron from FFXIII who is now included in the Dissidia story but... it couldn't hurt to ask?
In regards to you're question, apps of this manner are accepted but will be treated case-by-case. As in your example with Squall, provided it all flows well and doesn't throw off the main story of either canon, it's allowed!
I don't see this listed anywhere but is this game, Journal or Community based?
are entries from dropped chars still visible in the record? if so is there anything marking them as from people who aren't there anymore?
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