Shameless club end-of-semester plug

Apr 18, 2007 00:59

Hello gals and guys!

There are only a couple of things left for the Women's Center as the semester closes, so any and all help and attendance would be very much appreciated. Over the summer we will most likely be doing community events or just getting together, so we'll keep you posted!

First and foremost, I regret to say the the Feminist Pornography Workshop this wednesday evening has been cancelled. Unfortunately we were unable to get the film in time and I am swamped for classes, so I cannot help run it. We're going to give it another go next semester.

Health Fair - Mon. April 23rd, 10am-4pm. Flag Room
We are still tabling at this and could really use some help! Please email ubfeminist@yahoo. com or even the listserv at this point if you can table. Even just an hour of your time would be great.

Renaissance Fair: Fri April 27, 12pm-12am. Student Union Activities Field
Women's Center has collaborated in putting together, paying for, and running this event. We are setting up a table to sell t-shirts and could use people to help with it whenever they are free during the day. Also, we are doing a Ren Friend Auction to help raise money. It's going to be a fantastic, fun time so please come!

HerStory: Sunday April 29th @ 2pm, POTLUCK
This will be at the second co-op house near elmwood and north downtown. (Bird, if you could refresh me on the exact address.) It will be womyn only this time and we will provide rides to those who need it. Let me know.

Seneca Falls: May 2nd or 3rd, tentative day trip
Again, those interested in going please let us know and what dates are better for you. We provide food and we carpool for transport. All tolls and gas are reimbursed.

Nominations will be taken at the next Thursday, April 26th general meeting. Any and all interested parties are welcome to run at this point. Send us an electronic message if you can't come to the meeting, but we do ask that you be at the meeting for elections, which will be the week after.
I am willing to help and train anyone interested. We just want to see the club go on after this semester.

Hope all is going well with papers and finals!!

In Solidarity,
WC Treasurer
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