Ahhh, I love having saturdays off, it's so great. I wanted to hang out with either Shana or Deanna, but nobody seemed to be home, oh well.
Picked up a copy of Ninja Gaiden today, that game is fucking HARD. Gotta love the fact that there is no easy mode though.
I also decided to treat myself to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today as well. Damnit, I hate having mixed feelings about a film. I freaking love the book, and I understand that it's like 30 years old, and since Douglas Adamns himself worked on the film, I do enjoy some of the updates that he did. I liked how they suprised us with Zaphod's two heads and 3 arms, I also like how the spaceship was crafted, and how they were nice enough to include, almost verbatim, quotes from the book. And I freaking LOVED
Alan Rickman's voice job as Marvin. All in all, It did a pretty decent job of transplanting the book to screen.
But there were some, in my eyes, blasphemy's done in the movie that I didn't like, like the love-relationship between Authur and Trillian. Half the fun of the book was that he NEVER got her. period. Also, John Malkovich, while a great actor in his own right, his character and the things he did just completly tore from the book. Ugh.
Now if you haven't read the book, by all means, see the movie first, it's still a great movie. Singing Dolphins and all. If you have read the book, heed this warning: The producers have stated that this film is not a literal translation of the books (just as the books were not a literal translation of the original radio show), but all of the new ideas and characters came from Douglas Adams himself. The hired writer simply came aboard to improve structure and make the screenplay more coherent.
I've also decided to upgrade EVERYTHING in my life, myself and all that is around me, so that may keep me busy for a while.
That's all for now, Laundy's done