Title: Mourning Song
Genre: Angst, Friendship
Word Count: ~6,700 words
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Pairings: Eliot/Parker friendship
Warnings: None
Summary: Tag to "The Future Job." Parker had a brother once, and she still has her memories. We all mourn the death of a loved one and honor the person they were in our own ways. Parker's no exception.
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Comments 31
So yeah, thanks for writing and posting this. It was really, really great.
And I felt so bad for Parker, the jerk made her *cry!* How terrible was that? But I was happy with the justice they gave him in the end. Anyways, I've kind of gone into a ramble here, but thanks for commenting, it means a lot!
This was actually a fic I had thought of writing back when I first saw the episode, but this week was the time it needed to be written. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Very well written, and tender.
I don't mean to spoil the fic or anything but there's a mistake : "She through her spare harness at him". It has to be "She THREW her spare harness at him"
Thanks a lot for the fic! :)
And death is really hard to deal with...my heart really went out to Parker in that episode. She'd been carrying around this pain for all these years blaming herself without having anyone to tell her differently. I'm glad her team is there for her now.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
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