First SPN fic!!

Nov 05, 2009 19:26

Title: What He Sees
Genre: Gen, Angst
Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: PG 13 (I suppose, I'm bad at this, lol)
Word Count: 338 (Did I mention is a drabble?)
Spoiler: Season 4, up till 4.10
Prompt: "Blood"
Summary: Written for littleone87over at her Lj, for The Sam and Dean Drabble-a-thon (guys, go have fun there too!)
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own them..
A/N: *waves nervously* Hi people, it's my first time writing, so be kind to me! ;)
And also, I want to thank vanster23for being my cheer leader and encourage me to write something although it's not mpreg!

Sam has stop trying to get Dean to talk about hell.

And Dean was fine with that, is not like he can handle Sam’s questioning any further before he breaks down to tell him the truth, that he remembered hell.

It started not too long after he met Castiel, who claims to be the angel of the lord, but he will not risk telling Sam. Not when they are preventing Lilith from breaking more seals and reviving Lucifer and certainly not when the angel had warned him about Sam.

When Sam told him that he have kept the promised or rather his last wish, Dean just took it and held onto it like a lifeline.

Every time Dean shut his eyes, all he sees is blood, pain and violence, basically things that sum up to hell. And when he does open his eyes, all he sees is an empty bed and betrayal. He closes his eyes again and let his nightmare drag him back down. Pain, he still can handle, but not this new Sam, this are what he concluded. Pain is familiar and safe in a morbid way, most importantly, pain is the only thing that does not lie.

After Dean came back, all he saw was hell. When he looks into the mirror he will see dark cruel eyes smiling back at him, sometimes he saw familiar faces looking at them from outside the window with blood and gore on them, and he knew very well who marked them. When he washes his hands, he wasn’t washing away the dirt or filth, he’s washing the blood that stains his hands, although mostly was his but some were not, and those are the ones he tries desperately to get rid of.

Dean knew he’s dreaming and he heard someone is screaming. The scream is horribly hollow and wet, the next thing he knew he’s started awake and his mouth wide open, throat feeling dry and raw.

Without looking he already knows that the other bed is empty.

Thanks for reading!

spn fanfic

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