Apr 05, 2008 23:14
Was thinking about perfection,
That hurried, augmented word,
That impossibly, infinitely, unachievable goal.
It’s a bit ridiculous.
Eat healthy, exercise more, look pretty, stand tall,
Be smart, funny, creative, kind, strong,
Save the planet, get rich quick, live life to the fullest, pass your exams,
Wear nice clothes, say nice things, have nice sex (with protection)
Respect your elders, use sunscreen, don’t do bad things,
And for chrissakes, be happy.
It’s impossible.
Not even Mother Theresa herself accomplished all this.
And it’s exhausting.
How do I do in perfection’s test?
I eat too much, exercise too little, don’t look that pretty, have bad posture,
Am selectively smart, seldom funny, potentially creative, occasionally kind, very weak,
I am an environmentally unaware, spendthrift, lazy ass who manages to pass exams
Have a few nice clothes, say a few nice things when I remember, aren’t getting any sex (with or without protection)
Hardly respect my elders, don’t use enough sunscreen
But at least I’m too good to be bad.
Am I happy?
Are you?