Jul 05, 2005 00:43
I hope everyone had a good July 4th. Mine was alright. I ended up seeing the fireworks in penfield eventhough i was planning on seeing them in brighton and i prefered to go to brighton, but penfield was ok. We met these kids there and they were kinda funny but we kept on walking when the fireworks were going off. Its a bit distracting to be walking thru fields of people while those huge flashy boom like ones light up the sky.
One of the dudes we were with brought up a pretty good point. "what is the use of having this kind of event??" like the thing he pointed out was that so many people drive out to some park or whatever to watch 20 minutes of fireworks jus to waste an hour and a half leaving the parking lot cuz its so packed. It got me thinking a bit
Later we jus chilled at 12 corners for about 40 minutes before decideing that it was boring, so we went home.
In my opinion, last year was a bit better than this year, even though it rained last year. Kevin and I met up with these 2 girls and kinda tried to have this drinking escapade, but it ended shortly when this girls mom knew she had snuck out. But whatever. I should sleep now, cuz i need to call work early and find out if im needed tomorrow/my upcomming schedule for this week.