
Oct 22, 2004 23:55

Ok so right now im at work. Goin camping with nikki this weekend :) You dont know how happy i am to have her in my life. She is amazing. I guess when your with someone that treats u like shit and doesnt really love you for so long, u end up accepting it....then someone comes along and treats u right and its just amazing. She bought me burberry cologne...just like randomly....isnt that amazing? it smells so goooooood. Were gonna "rough it" this weekend, no pun intended haha.

OMG so isnt it funny when someone tries to make u jealous? Now normally, im pretty easy to make jealous about everything. Flogging molly wrote the damn song for me ok? BUT, in this case....theres nothing to be jealous of. Is like a billionare being jealous of a just doesnt happen. Why would u be jealous of something when u have something better ya know? So that person trys harder and harder to make u jealous, to the point where shes making up these fantastic stories and making it blatently obvious that all she wants is to make you jealous, and the more and more it happens, the more and more u want nothing to do with that person, and it feels good. Thats just a little hint to "whoever" might be reading this....keep in mind, your the one who still wants ME in your life.

Ok so I think maggie wrote something about me in her journal, but i can never really tell b/c shes always so obscure! lol I love that girl. Maggie u make me laugh in a way nobody else can. I can literally picture you saying the bloomberg comment. You are the smartest dumb girl i know haha! call me...loser!

Ok im off work now, time to go....BTW jojo, i am not and was never mad at u...quit bein a bitch b4 i kick your ass ;)
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