IM fucking sick of....

Sep 22, 2004 03:13

Im fucking sick of liars, cheats, and wanabee's. Yes, this is in fucking essay format mother fuckers. I dont see the purpose in any of the above.

When we were kids, we used to lie about how old we were, what our dad did, how rich we were. Innocent bullshit. Now people lie about love. They lie abotu friendship. Fuck they even lie about who they themselves and others. WHY!?!?! Your always gonna get caught, it doesnt help, and your gonna feel guilty as fuck if u dont. If you wanna go out and whore around who gives a fuck...but why lie about it. If you wanna be a bad friend, who gives a fuck, why lie!

Some people dont have what it takes to win. I understand. I dont care what its in....if you cheat and i dont catch wont fucking beat me. If you cheat and i do catch you, you just beat your fucking self. People cheat on people b/c they are fucking greedy. Plain and siimple.

Why would you ever want to be something that wasnt you. Yah, u can change your life to fit what u want to be. But why change what you want to be, to fit someone or something else. Look, im not trying to sound cocky....or make myself seem like anything but above average. People want to be me....people envy me. Now, thats one thing.....but when u go and change your whole fucking life for the worse, to fit some image that u think u could be...whats the point. Im tired of people acting like something they arent. Today i encountered a situation where someone was "high." Now this someone doesnt smoke much weed, smokes like a fucking faggot. Now, 2 hours later...this person was supposedly so fucked up, they could barely stand. Dude i can smoke, and ive NEVER been that high. Why act? you dont look cool. you look like a chump. Wow i cant wait till next fall. Those of you who ive told are coming with me, you know ill still be there. Those of you who i havent, u have 11 months to impress me.

In conclusion, if your a fake, fraud, cheater, liar, hater, whore, slut, wanabee, skeeezeee...then go find another place to rot. Nothing but winners here....holler! :)
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