Jan 01, 2005 22:28
Hey heres the rest of my really fun break! Ill start from where i left off from the last entry
Wensday Night- Sand came over at like 7. we had alot of fun and laughed soo much lol. we played scene it.. i kicked sandies @$%! lol. then my dad installed my ipod so we were using that for a while.(it took sandra probly an hour to find her *laguna beach* songs)lol. we burned a cd to listen to downstairs (woo go cleo&petra!)ha and played Scotts NBA Jams or something. later on we went up to my room and went to bed around 4:30.
Thrusday-Me n Sand got up at like 1 or something. we got ready and at like 3:30 my mom took us to the village. i got some presents and used some of my xmas money n stuff. we shopped for like 4 hours or something and then after that sandras mom picked us up and we went to the YMCA gym to workout. omg i need to practice running ive gotten so slow. we left there at like 10 and then i went home.
Friday- New Years Eve!! Me n some friends planned out what we were gonna do for New Years. We all decided to go to kaylies so at like 3 i went to kaylies to help her clean and decorate around the house. at like 7 trisha amy sandra kipp and evan came over to partay! woo lol. it was alot of fun we just did a bunch of stuff all night. Kipp n Evan left at like 1:30 after we ding dong ditched and then we just went up to kays room for the rest of the night. Kaylie fell asleep early so me sand trisha n amy were up until 7 doing some stuf.. lol.
Saturday(today)-We all walked up to 7-11 at like 12 or something. ill just say it wasnt like an everyday walk.. i left kaylies at like 2 or something. After i just layed around bc im exhausted and it seems like i havent had alone time in about a week. so it felt good for a while but now im getting bored.lol.
-Reflections of 2004-
If u think back to where u were a year ago,where would you be? who would you be with, or who wouldnt u be with? what were u doing? I would be at trishas for the first time ever. Looking back today, ive probly been to trishas a million times in just the past year. I think back and I was best friends with molly, I barely knew amy, I was only really close to a few ppl really. wow things have changed. some seem for the good, and some seem for the worst, but i just have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. Next year Ill be a totally different person it seems. I love my life just how it is right now. sometimes i wish things would stay like this until graduation. Over the next year im gonna have to learn how to let go.I love all my friends, and everyday of my life, and by next year one thing will change everything... HighSchool..ugh. Bring on the new year, but never forget the old. 2005 has just begun!