Why dO men lOve bitches?

Oct 13, 2005 21:03

Surprised I'm writing in here huh? Yea, me tOo! So lately I've just been wOrking and gOing tO schoOl..and trying tO maintain a sOcial life in between. I'm still wOrking in the pharmacy and I've actually learned a whOle lot. Ok I sOund like a nerd lOl. Anyway, sO hOmecOming is cOming up hOw exciting! I already bOught my dress and shOes & the rOoms are rented sO I can't wait!

So tOday was a chick day..this mOrning me and Jayne went tO the mall tO gO shOe shOpping, and then to pig out at Fridays YUM. Then later me and Lisy went to Michaels, Target, and B & N where I gOt 2 awesOme bOoks(one which will not be mentiOned..haha) ..and the other being "Why men lOve bitches?" I'll let yOu knOw why as sOon as I'm dOne lOl.

I knOw yOu missed me tOday and I'm nOt gOnna see yOu tOmorrow but dOn't wOrry yOu'll be Ok ..lOl ok ok I missed yOu tOo bOb*  ;o)

sO as of right nOw I'm happy ...it's been a while. <3
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