sO I forgot to write like I said in my last pOst. My spring break was pretty chilling, did the usual things..nOthing out of the ordinary unfOrtunately. Thank gOd the drama is pretty much over..well that I knOw of anyway. Cuz im sure this is still plenty of shit talking gOing on but all i can say is mind yOur own mOfOkin business fOr once!!
I can't believe hOw lazy I have becOme when it comes to school wOrk!! It started off with giving up with AP english, but nOw it's with every class practically =\ And I was dOing sO well in the beginning of the year!!
I had my mOms car yesterday in schOol..thanks to lisys balloons which I cOuldn't take on my bus =) It feels gOod nOt to have to rely on anyOne for a ride..I can't wait til I get my own car.
..I guess this situatiOn made me realize that I dO like -him- a little. Well maybe a little mOre than that. But he obviOusly dOesn't knOw..cuz then why wOuld he tell me that? hm..oh well I guess we'll see what happens.
Lisy: I hope yOu had fun on yOur birthday. You honestly deserve a lOt more..yOu're the bestest friend anyOne cOuld ever ask for!!!! I LOVE YOU
here are sOme pics that I had uplOaded a while agO...<3
lOl did I catch yOur attentiOn? =)
i was a bit tipsy..lOl
oh yea and at that blackOut party I met sOme new peOple but I can't seem to remember whO they are..sO if yOu're one of them let me knOw!! lOl