I wish I cOuld cOme up with sOme inspirational quote fOr my subject lOl

Feb 23, 2005 21:20

What's up my LJ buddies?! I know it's been forever since I write in here so i'll just give a quick re-cap of what's been going on.

 my daddy n brO came dOwn last wednesday ..and I hadn't seen them in fOrever!

 went to the beach with my girls and my brO on friday before ring ceremony to TRY and get a tan..but it didn't wOrk for me.

 We finally got our rings!! cOngrats to the class of 'o6!

 had tO get out of tennis =( finally something i was beginning to enjoy..but w/e

 getting a car pretty soon...probably a black honda civic..I CAN'T WAIT

 I miss my daddy n my brOther..they left yesterday =\ I can't wait til my brother moves down here ( he lives in Tampa) I had never really gotten that close to my brother til now..and it's comforting to know that you have a brother to protect you and who understands ur wacky family

well dudes that's it for this recap..I would post pics but Lisy n I have practically the same pics so there's no point.  PEACE <3

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