survey =)

Nov 23, 2004 20:59

a VERY long survey! just cuz I was extremely bOred!!


Your gender:: chickie
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: yes
If not, do you want to be?: i dOnt wanna be!!!
Birthdate:: may 31
Your age:: 16
Age you act:: 16 i guess, if not older
Age you wish you were:: 18
Your height:: 5'6
Eye color:: brown.
Happy with it?: guess so
Hair color:: black
Happy with it?: yep.
Your living arrangement:: I live with my mom & gma
Your family:: is not very big
Have any pets?: nope
Whats your job?: nO jOb
Piercings?: regualr ear piercing, two cartilage, and belly
Tattoos?: One of a small star
Obsessions?: bOys
Addictions?:um i dunno
Do you speak another language?: yeap spanish
Have a favorite quote?: Don't cry cuz it's over smile cuz it happened
Do you have a webpage?: yeap

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it

Do you live in the moment?: sOmetimes.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: not everyone.
Do you have any secrets?: maybe one or two
Do you hate yourself?: never
Do you like your handwriting?: yea but lisy doesnt lol
Do you have any bad habits?: I dOn't think so
What is the compliment you get from most people? "i love your hair"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:nicole lol
What's your biggest fear?: drowning, death, being alone
Can you sing?: well i mean i CAN
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: hell no.
Are you a loner?: hell no.
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Graduating schOol, having a good career
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yeap
Are you a daredevil?: depends
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: i get attached quickly and am very sentimental
Are you passive or agressive?: passive but i can be aggresive ;) lol
Do you have a journal?: yes.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength..understanding...Weakness:i give in easily
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? my weight & eye color
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: no
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: yea
Do you think life has been good so far?: yea
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: try and not get too attached! and even tho u might think your parents are wrong and stupid thats usually not the case!
What do you like the most about your body?: my hair but when its ironed
Do you think you are good looking?: i dont think i'm ugly..
Are you confident?: sometimes
What is the fictional character you are most like?: i have no idea!

Do You...

Smoke?: no but i have
Do drugs?: no.
Read the newspaper?:no
Pray?: sometimes
Go to church?: sometimes
Talk to strangers who IM you?: not really.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yea
Take walks in the rain? nope but i want to!
Talk to people even though you hate them?: not really.
Drive?: yea
Like to drive fast?:yea

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice?: no actually i hear myself so different
Hurt yourself?: yea
Been out of the country?: yea.
Eaten something that made other people sick?: yes.
Been in love?i wOuldn't call it lOve
Done drugs?: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: no.
Had a medical emergency?: yes.
Had surgery?: nO
Ran away from home?: nO
Played strip poker?: nO
Gotten beaten up?: nO..but i'm still waiting for that 3oP hOe lOl
Beaten someone up?: nO
Been picked on?: yea lOl
Been on stage?: yes but like award ceremonies =)
Slept outdoors?: nO
Thought about suicide?: nO way jOse
Pulled an all nighter?: yea
If yes, what is your record?:like 7 in the mOrning
Gone one day without food?: nO but i always seem to come clOse
Talked on the phone all night?: yea
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yes
Slept all day?: nOt ALL day
Killed someone?: nO!
Had sex with a stranger?: nO
Thought you're going crazy?: yea all the time
kissed the same sex: nO
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: nO
Been betrayed?: yes
Had a dream that came true?: dOn't remember but I think sO
Broken the law?: yea
Met a famous person?: yea
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: well when I was smaller i accidently over-fed my fish so they died =\
On purpose?: nO
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: umm i dunnO
Stolen anything?: yea
Been on radio/tv?: nO
Been in a mosh-pit?: nO
Had a nervous breakdown?: nO
Bungee jumped?: nO but I will
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yea


Belive in life on other planets?: yea..
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: yea
Magic?: nO
God?: yea
Satan?: yea
Santa?: I wish!
Ghosts?: dunnO
Luck?: kinda
Love at first sight?: nO
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yea
Witches?: dunnO
Easter bunny?: nO and I dOn't really care about the easter bunny lOl
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yea
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: nO but I wish there was
Do you wish on stars?: yea i dO all that corny stuff =)

Deep Theological Questions

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: yea
Do you think God has a gender?: yea
Do you believe in organized religion?: yea


Who is your best friend?: i dOn't only have one
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: i guess lisy/jayne/yanelis
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: i dunnO cuz i'm usually stubbOrn and dOn't take it
Thing you're picked on most about?: "yOu're retarded!" lOl
Who's your longest known friend?: well i've known farah and jannelle since we were 3! =)
Newest?: clOse friend..manda!
Shyest?: depending on the situation cuz yanelis and jayne can be shy
Funniest?: we're all funny =)
Closest?: me..duh! j/k
Weirdest?: we've established that we're all weird
Smartest?: Jayne
Ditziest?: there's tough competition between all of us for that one
Friends you miss being close to the most?: I guess in some ways Farah
Last person you talked to online?: Ady
Who do you talk to most online?: dunnO..yanelis?
Who are you on the phone with most? amanda
Who do you trust most?: my clOsest friends
Who listens to your problems?: ^^
Who do you fight most with?: Lisy lOl
Who's the most outgoing?: Lisy
Who's the best singer?: lisy but shhh
Who's your second family?: Yanelis' or Lisys
Do you always feel understood?: nO
Who's the loudest friend?: i guess yanelis cOuld be pretty/very lOud lol
Do you trust others easily?: nO
Who's house were you last at?: yanelis'
Do your friends know you?: yea
Friend that lives farthest away: Amanda

Love and All That

Do you consider love a mistake?: never
What do you find romantic?: cute dates to wherever
Turn-on?: arms or a cute face
Turn-off?: bad breath/body odor
First kiss?: well my first real kiss was Juan..but i had popped twO other fellas b4
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: weird when arOund them
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them: yea..i think if yOu're friends b4 yOu gO out it prOlly wOrks better cuz yOu knOw them fOr whO they are already
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: nO i dOn't really care..and If i wanted tO i wOuld do it
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: yea =X lol
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: dunnO i guess thats up to them to decide =)
What is best about the opposite sex?: the way they protect yOu
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: i -hate- when guys treat yOu differently arOund their friends!
What's the last present someone gave you?: dOn't remember
Are you in love?: nO

Who Was the Last Person...

That haunted you?: huh?
You wanted to kill?: i've never wanted to kill sOmeone
That you laughed at?: prOlly myself
That laughed at you?: dOn't knOw sOmeone in schOol
You went shopping with?: Jayne n Ricky
That broke your heart?: juan
To ask you out?: i'm not sure if he ever did but Javy wanted to..rejection sucks lOl =)
To make you cry?: mOm
You saw a movie with?: i dOn't remember but it was prOlly with a grOup
You talked to on the phone?: jOey
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: ady
You saw?: everyOne on my bus this afternOon

Right This Moment...

Are you going out?: gOing tO walgreens if that cOunts
Will it be with your significant other?: nO.
Or some random person?: nO
What are you wearing right now?: ae shirt and shOrts
Body part you're touching right now:: nOthing i'm tOuching the keybOard!
What are you worried about right now?: nOthing..nO wOrries =)
What book are you reading?: james patterson - the lake hOuse
What's on your mousepad?: tweety
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: well i'm obviously bOred! tired, hungry, i dunnO what else
Are you bored?: yea.
Are you tired?: yep.
Are you talking to anyone online?: nOt anymOre
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nO
Are you lonely or content?: at times i feel lOnely
Are you listening to music?: yea
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