Jun 12, 2004 13:21
wow im soooo tired today. yesterday i had a pretty fun and exhausting day. well lets see i woke up at 10:30 ate breakfast and then went back to sleep i didnt wake up until 2! thats like my record. thats like the longest ive ever slept before. but anyways yeah i basically just hung out and talked online and watched some t.v. then like around 5 sarah called me and asked me if i wanted to come over because it was her little brother alec's birthday party and she was goin crazy with all her little brother's friends runnin around in the house so i said that i would help out. i went over there and we all ate dinner and then me n sarah got ready for the movies. we were all gonna go to the movies YES like with 5 little 9 year olds... it was crazyyyy dont ask how we got through the whole movie with them haha but we did it! yeahh we all saw the movie Garfield haha it was such a cute movie. then after the movie like around 10 we picked up wyatt and he came back to sarah's house with us... im glad sarah and him are back together now awww theyre sooo cute together :) but yeahh we just hung out and watched tv. then at like 12:30 he left and me n sarah pigged out on food! yuummm :) we were soooo tired. wow me n sarah havent hung out in forever! it was nice to hang out with her again and we had SOOO much to catch each other up on. we went to bed at 3!!! sooo yeahh that was my nite! thats all for now i will write more later tho! <333