movies, etc.

Mar 24, 2007 00:38

My sister Tricia has had my glasses for like a week now, because I needed her to drop them by the eye doctor to get my new lenses put in, and I finally got them back from her, but she surprised me with a mini-care package :)  It had a make-up/accessory bag that's super cute, Pirates of the Carribean, a bunch of snacky stuff, and a sweet card w/ some money!  Very exciting :) I love that girl!

It is so amazing to have this feeling - I have four days in a row, where I don't need to be doing anything for school.  I mean, not just that there's nothing coming up soon, but there's nothing -period!  3 classes just had exams, and 1 had a paper, so I'm golden (until Monday when I get homework problems and a new paper assignment, lol).  But, I'm enjoying it thoroughly until then.  Definitely going to have a lot of time in front of the TV between bball games (which my bracket sucks, but go UNC!) and movie watching.

Last night I watched Stranger Than Fiction and The Holiday.  Stranger than Fiction was good - Will Ferrell is a somewhat serious role was interesting, and a very unique plot concept.  I wasn't crazy about the ending, but it was definitely worth seeing and I'd recommend it.  The Holiday, however, was one of my ALL TIME favorite movies!  It's amazing!  Seriously, I went to Best Buy when they opened at 10 a.m. and bought it already - I liked it that much.  Okay, I'm probably building it up too much now and you're going to watch it and be like, um... ok... lol.  But, I love it.  The acting is amazing, great storylines, everything, but I LOVE the writing.  I don't know who wrote that, but they know how to best describe the many emotions a woman goes through in the course of falling in love, being in love, losing love, loving and not being love, etc.  There were so many amazing lines in that movie.  I was bawling by the end.  Oh man, I want to watch it again right now just thinking about it.  But, I'll move on.

We also rented Casino Royale (which I saw in theaters and loved) and Harsh Times (more for Michael, but it looks like it could be decent).  The guys next door rented The Prestige so I'm gonna have to borrow that from them tonight maybe.

Last night I went to Michael's friend (and now my friend I guess, lol) Jay's house for the traditional Thursday night poker night.  It's gotten huge!  When I started going it was like 5 or 6 people, but its generally around 12-15 now.  Crazy!  Fun times though... Shanelle was there, so that was cool to see her, and I love the guys that were there too.  I bailed on poker to watch bball, but it was still a good night. :)

I need to get off my crazy sleep schedule.  I've barely been sleeping lately (multiple 36+ hours awake last week) and even then when I do get the chance to go to sleep I'm still not tired.  Hopefully this week I can try to get back to normal, so that I can be awake and functioning and productive and job-searching.  p.s. anyone know of anywhere in east lansing that is hiring servers?  I really want to waitress again... I miss it, plus, its good money :)

Alright... time to smoke, clean my room a little bit, and maybe try to find my boyfriend (he's not really lost, he's just with jason and coming over after so by "find" i really meant "call and see what time he'll be done with jason")

Ta-ta for now :)
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