(no subject)

May 06, 2006 21:25


1. Have you had a gf/bf? No, we broke up on New Year's Day.
2. Have you had your birthday? Nope, not till December
3. Gotten drunk? Too many times.... let's not go there
4. Gotten high? nope
5. Smoked a cig? yuppers 
6. Cried? oh yeah
7. Had someone close to you pass away? No
8. Pulled an all nighter? a few 
9. Drank starbucks? nope
10. Went shopping? yeah
11. Been camping? nope
12. Been to the beach? nope
13. Been out of state? yeah... drove to D.C.
14. Visited a family member? um, i went home for colleen's bday, oh and i went to my aunt's house for a night
15. Gone snowboarding? nope

[[In the past month]]

1. Kissed someone? yeah
2. Had sex? i don't think so....
3. Slept in a friends bed? i'm sure i crashed in molly's room or somewhere
4. Snuck someone over? haha, yeah
5. Snuck out of your own house? no...
6. Gotten a car? no, i need one 
7. Went over your cell phone bill? yeah
8. Been called a whore? not that i know of 
9. Drove somewhere? yes! i've been driving (w/ a restricted license) 
10. Been away from home for over 2 nights? um... the hospital for 7 nights
11. Seen an old friend? Johanna came down to the hospital :)  I got to see some relatives and stuff too.

[[In the past week have you]]

1. Bought something? garage sale stuff, shoes at target, etc.
2. Choked? every time i cough today (which has been a lot)
3. Watched t.v for over 3 hours straight? yeah, i had to catch up on all my tivo shows
4. Been to the movie theater? no
5. Been to a party? nope
6. Gone skydiving? can't say that i have 
7. Been to the beach? nope :( 
8. Smoked? yup 
9. Done drugs? nope
10. Gotten a gift from someone? i got lots of cards/letters/etc in the hospital... noteworthy gifts include roses from Melanie and a plant from Jessica, some cheetos and a magazine, etc. 
11. Been out of control? probably not this past week 
13. Made a cd? no... i need to though for my car
14. Called someone? Yeah, about a dozen ppl, lol 
15. Had someone tell you they like you? no


1. Thing you bought? cigarettes
2. Person you hugged? Mike for making steak dinner for me and Lauren 
3. Person you talked to? Colleen, Tricia, & Gabe 
4. Person to call you? my favorite Luke :)
7. Last thing you said to someone? "yeah" in response to Colleen's "is Holly on the internet?" 
8. Last time you brushed your teeth? this afternoon
9. Last time you took a bath? I don't even remember
10. When was the last time you cried? last night
12. Last time you walked over 1 mile straight? the other day i walked in Hager Park for a couple hours
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