Who is this sexy lady?
Well this, my friends is Miss Talya Kuun.
She is 14 years of age,
and oh yeah; she happens to be my best friend in the World.
She's always been beautiful,
but seriously, I think she gets gorgeouser by the day!
If not by the second!
First of all, she's got gorgeous hair.
It's a beautiful brown and it's lovely and curly.
And when she wants it straight, it still looks sexy.
And she has this kick ass haircut. too!
Next of, she has beautiful blue eyes.
They kind of change and some days they are like WOAH SUPER BLUE!
and I'm so madly jealous!
Then she's got this perfect little nose.
And it's hot! :)
Then her lips!
They would make any boy want to kiss her
even if they'd never seen her before! :)
Last there is her skin!
WOAH it's super soft and oh so perfect!
OH and I almost forgot to mentioin
her beautiful smile! :D
Well that's just her face, but I'm going to stop there or this post would be 324173098471230894 pages long.
Basically, she's gorgeous!
Agree? :)