Jun 09, 2005 21:25
So my parents finally told my sister that they know about her 'not so secret' boyfriend. They're cool about it, even thought he's 19 and she's 16. It's not bad, although I suspect my dad may do a little stressing. Anyway, my mother asked her what his name was. Rachael had told me his first name (Aaron,) but she neglected to mention that his last name is Borg.
Yes, Borg. As in "WE ARE THE BORG! YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED! RESISTANCE IS FUTLE!" Bearing in mind that my parents are enormous Star Tres fans, it's too perfect to be true.
I have years worth of material to torment her with. Muahahahaha!
Make way for the BORG Queen! Hehe.
Download tomorrow! I'm driving. Me + motorway = terror and death.
I can't wait to see Queen Adreena again. I'm a little worried about them getting bottled, cause they're on the main stage. :S
I wonder if Melanie will be there...
I have new hair. It's different. I think you'll all be shocked and amazed. Perhaps more amazed. I shall post a piccy. Maybe...