Mar 25, 2006 13:36
So...I don't want to make this about me... It isn't....well it is because i'm the dumbest person like in the world... I know this... ANd i didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just didn't think. I should have known but I fucked up. I know what its like to be in this position, and it seemed like everyone else got into it when I was already over it. I don't want this to be between anyone else but who it really involves because actually they dont' really matter to me. I just know that i really messed up and I can't take that back but I can try to just get your trust back.
I don't think that i could feel worse...
I'm not mad, i fucking deserved it. I'm not going to pass what i did on to someone else because its all my fault.
Why did they concern themselves with my buisness... Besides the fact that I was wrong in the situation, what i did wasn't anyone else's buisness... I Mean it was but before they knew they were just trying to get it out because they were curious. I can't get out what I'm trying to say. I'm done talking about this particular subject....