Jan 06, 2006 16:36
so today i got in trouble in math class.
the story goes like this:
i was being obnoxious, too obnoxious for some reason cause most of the time i am good.then she kicked me out, and i got into big speech about how i felt injusticed because of the fact that her favorite does much worse things and never gets kicked out. i.e. flicking people off and telling the teacher to shutup.
ok so the end, so my dad was like(she called home) "call me before plans are made" so whatever.hopefully i get to go out tonight with the crew? i dont know.kristy didnt answer her phone meaning she hates me.
haha before i had the broken heart sign but lj thinks that means "cut out all next things" so *** broken heart sign****
i have to work 5-? cause they dont tell me.
besides that school was good.
too bad, lindsay lohan used to take drugs and was bulemic.
additionally, only 2% of the population has red hair.