May 04, 2007 00:32
I don't know if this means I am from both... but I haven't been to most of the east coast (especially the northern part)...
You're probably from somewhere near New York City, possibly north Jersey, or Connecticut or Rhode Island. If you are from New York City you may be one of the types who people never believe when you say you're from New York.
Northern. Whether you have the world famous Inland North accent of the Great Lakes area, or the radio-friendly sound of upstate NY and western New England, your accent is what used to set the standard for American English pronunciation (not much anymore now that the Inland North sounds like it does).
Might as well update.
I went for alterations on my wedding gown today. They only needed to bustle it! I think I am an "off the rack" gal. I rarely have to have things altered... even though I have changed sizes over the years. Invites arrive on Monday so I can start putting those together! I don't have school until June 14 so I am going to get this stuff done! I go from June 14 to Aug. 3... or later... My prof. gave me the go ahaed for aug. 4 wedding and now is saying that there's a slight possibility that we could go until Aug. 9... I said... haha!... okay, I will email you whatever I need to or call you from my honeymoon! Leah and Amanda's dresses came in and that made me very excited! Adam and I are going to book out plane tickets tomarrow... (that is what I am doning up so late.. research)
Job searching is soooo much fun! Bllahhuck! I am plugging away at it though!
Take care all! This sunny weather we have reminding me of all of you and gives me the urge to jump on a horse or in a canoe or something!