On the rocks

Apr 18, 2009 14:33

Dear Lord,
forgive me of my
sins Forgive me of
my lack of control and
forgive me of  embracing this flaw

Dear Lord,
Please give me the strength to
differentiate cold from hot,to
distinguish black from white
and to separate right from wrong

Dear Lord,
Thank you for providing your answer so prompty
In ways so loud I cannot find
the excuses to ignore

Dear _____,
forgive me for what I've done.
Forgive me for what has to be done.
I've strayed far from how my Lord has instructed me to live.
I've forgotten the true worth of friendship.
Lust, on the rocks,
Appeals the most on hot sensous days of Summer,
when you forget the price you have to pay,
and tuck in for sip.

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