Doing the Right thing

Jul 04, 2008 17:24

One thing I've always liked about myself, is my percieved strong sense of morality. That's what my late-grandparents told me, what my parents keep telling me and I am proud of. But lately, I have started realising that doing the right thing is getting harder and harder.
My processing in the past was simple. White is correct, black is wrong. If something is gray, it can either be more black and white or more white than black. But... for some reason, things begin to get blurred when the other colours start coming in and disrupting my judgement.
So many things to quote thing that shocked me most...
was the temptation to keep the following 2 pets

A Malayan Water Monitor lizard on the right and a White's Tree Frog on the left.

Although they may look disgusting to a few. I do have a (VERY) soft spot for reptiles and amphibians. But something to take note... ALL species of reptiles (except for the terrapin) and amphibians are classified as illegal pets in Singapore. They require special care, special food, may transmit diseases  or display aggresive behaviour... and may even have ecological threat to our little island. I know this so clear well... BLACK.
Then other things started to creep into my mind...
From where I work... my workplace is OverFLOWing with malayan water monitors. Adults and juveniles just ...crawling all over the place. What difference would it make if I just snagged a baby? I almost stepped on a baby yesterday... And furthermore, it wont have any ecological impacts? its from singapore!
For the frog.... of all chances... I was approached by someone who was ordering them... and due to a loophole in administration, free frogs could be given out. It s a very unique and rare opportunity that I know many exotic pet enthusiast would be dying to have.

For past few months... I was on the verge of snagging a baby monitor... and... I did place an order for the Frog. But slowly... I realised that I was just deluding myself that what I am doing is acceptable. What I am doing is wrong, plain wrong.

Since young, I knew that my calling is life was related to wild animals. Over the past few years, I have slowly honed into the aspect of conservation. But what I am doing it completely hypocritical to my beliefs. So, it all ends now.
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