Aug 12, 2007 23:07
I feel extremely productive. I just scrubbed down the entire bathroom (oh, did it need it. eew.); mopped the hardwood floors in my room, the hallway, and the living room; swiffered the lino in the kitchen; and unpacked a bunch of my stuff.
Did I mention that I moved last weekend? I will forever dub that the lost weekend, because I literally can't distinguish the days I spent packing and moving things in the insanely hot and muggy weather. I know it's not quite as bad up here as it is in Alabama, but try braving the heat and humidity without the promise of air conditioning. Yeah, that's what I thought, bitches. :)
I got movers to come lug the big things, but there was also hilarity as I attempted to move some of my stuff via the 87 bus. In a little wheelie cart. Who knows where I get these ideas. Anyway, I am mostly all settled in now. My room is roughly twice the size of my old one, and so I'm getting a new desk and possibly a comfy chair in which I can relax and read. Let me know if you want my new address, and I'll email it to you.
And now for something completely different.
I went to see Sunshine on Thursday, and it was fantastic. It's a science fiction movie directed by Danny Boyle of Trainspotting and 28 Days Later fame. Small plot synopsis: Sometime in the relatively near future, the sun (in some vague and not totally explained way) essentially is getting weaker and I guess kind of folding in on itself. In order to save mankind, a group of seven astronauts set out on a journey to the sun, strapped to the back of a giant-ass bomb. The job is to get close enough to the sun to project the giant bomb into the dying star and detonate it, "creating a star within a star." They are following seven years on the heels of a crew that mysteriously disappeared on the same mission. The movie begins just as the new crew loses contact with the earth. They discover the distress signal of the first crew, and the decisions they make at that moment cause everything to spiral beyond their control.
There were some rather unbelievable elements to the film. The concept of the sun sputtering out the way it does in the movie is kind of odd. And then there's the question of how long someone could possibly survive on their own, alone in an abandoned spaceship. I won't give anything else away. But you can't dismiss the film just because of the unbelievable elements. It's science fiction, fiction being the operative word. You're supposed to suspend your sense of reality for something like this.
What's awesome about this movie is Boyle's ability to capture the range of human emotions that occur when people encounter the possibility of extinction. The characters' reactions are varied, but they are all realistic. I remember liking that aspect of 28 Days Later as well. The cast was great, a range of people from Cilian Murphy to Michelle Yeoh to Rose Byrne. The special effects involving the sun were stunning. I was pleased with the movie.
OK, time for bed.