Yuletide rare fandom fic exchange - dear author letter is
Dear Yuletide Author,
Hi there, and welcome to my fannish little heart. I can't wait to read what you do with characters I love, and I hope you have a great time writing more adventures for them.
This is my first time participating in Yuletide. I've been an avid fic reader since ye olde days of X-files, but my own bunnies never seem to make the leap from brain to screen so I don't have a presence as an author. I realize this leaves you with minimal guidance about my preferences (you're welcome to stalk my personal LJ, though I friendslock there quite a bit, and Google stalking me via my LJ nickname yields a large number of people I am not). If you'd like me to rec some of my favorite fics to give you more context, let 
whetherwoman know - she knows me well, and is nice and secretive.
In general, I like my fic romantic and often angsty. Emotions, communication, character growth/realizations, character injury, snark, humor, and sexy stuff of any rating is great. I don't like humiliation, heavy D/s, mpreg, or unsafe situations for queers/women.
Request 1: Kinky Boots - Charlie, Lauren, Lola/Simon
An exploration of how the the three main characters feel about each other (or how Simon/Lola feels about Charlie, so long as Lauren is involved somehow), set after the scene where Lauren and Simon dance. Sex, angst, schmoop, and any time characters dance together all make my little heart sing, but are not required.
I swear there is a missing scene right after Simon and Lauren dance. It might be a sex scene, or an intense conversation, or maybe they don't manage to communicate at all. I would love to read this scene, though any type of piece that validated the complex dynamic these three characters have would be great. One little note about this fandom, I've spent a lot of time as an advocate and support system for trans folks, and respect/appreciation for the trans and genderqueer experience is really important to me, so if you or your bata could keep an eye on pronouns and how Lola/Simon is characterized in general, that would be awesome. Sorry to be picky . . .
Request 2: Goodbye Lenin - Any
Not particularly interested in the sister's arc, but otherwise up for just about anything. I'd love to read something set post-movie, or another of Alex's dry monologues, or something set in the beautiful apartment Alex and Lara break into, or more of the comedic ruse of continued Socialism.
Oh man, I am so excited to see what you might do with this. I have no real agenda here in terms of what the characters experience, I just want more time in this movie's world.
Request 3: Waitress - Jenna Hunterson, Jim Pomatter
Ok, I know this is a completely unoriginal request that flies in the face of the entire intent of this sweet little movie, but I really really want an alternate ending. Angst, mush, drama, awkwardness, I'm really fine with it all so long as those two finally get together!
I would love to see a post-movie story where Jenna decides to stay with Jim. That's the only wish in my mushy little heart, here.
Request 4: In Plain Sight - Marshall Mann, Mary Shannon, Eleanor Prince
It would make my little heart all flappy to get a fic where Marshall manages to tell Mary that he loves her in a way that she actually hears and acknowledges (how this happens and her reaction to it are completely up to you). A guest appearance by Eleanor, either for some snarking or for astute observation while Mary's clueless would be fantastic.
I love awkward, dorky, under-actualized, infatuated Marshall. Any words that you could find for Marshall to get through to Mary in a non-work capacity would be fantastic (Eleanor drives me fingernails-on-blackboard insane, but her ability to see emotional messages that Mary steamrolls right over seems like it might help a story move along - that was my reason for including her, feel free to disregard if she doesn't fit the plot). If you'd rather not write Marshall/Mary, I would also be oh-so-very-much up for a nice slashy Marshall Mann/Detective Dershowitz story.
Thank you, thank you! Can't wait to read!