(no subject)

Feb 01, 2007 15:40

You know how they have those ads on TV about how not to take drugs/drink/smoke/whatever the hell else? And how you have to listen to some famous person talk about how great their life was until they became addicts?

I have something to add to their list.

Milk duds.

I ate one-Just one, mind you-at lunch, and about three hours later, I was totally insane.

I was skipping, I was singing, I was jumping around hugging people. I declared love for several of my friends, chanted," Milk duds milk duds milk duds! Hyper hyper hyper!" over and over again. I even tried to jump facefirst into a snowbank on our way to church(Not fun, trust me.)

And adding to the cruel twist of fate was that we had to do this 'adoration' thing that apparently involved kneeling on incredibly uncomfortable kneeler things, listening to a guy sing about loving Jesus for upwards of a half-hour, occasionally read some stuff off a piece of paper apparently typed by someone who thought it was okay to Capitalize rAndom letterS, even thOugh it maDE no FreakInG SensE to ReAd! Oh, and they burned incense the entire freaking time. I hate incense. Smells like death, and makes my lungs/stomach feel like they're trying to kill themselves. Absolutely horrible.

In short: If I even entertained the faintest notions of converting to Catholicism(I never did), I definitely would not want to now.

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