wow i never new how to do this this is so cool! yaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well like nothin has happened to me but until today ive seen julian and brittany everyday this summer! see im determined to name one thing that happened everyday. friday we went to als, saturday .... wow i cant remember anything...hmmm...what does that say about me, well last nite me brit julian and danny watched the little mermaid and we saw the part where the priest had a boner it was so gross! notice the puke color! hahahaa! i love rich text! and u can insert hyperlinks! didnt well poopie well this is so fun!!!! yay! woo! sry im gonna stop now, u no i hate to say it but lj is gettin kinda boring on account that no one ever updates! except for me and brute
the_brute which is her username and thats so cool! omg! im having too much fun! im gonna insert a hyperlink and see if it works again!... well damnit darnit poo it didnt. well g2g byebye lj-ers! i love rich text!
ps- it lacks violet! (haha julian who wont read this cuz his computer sucs)