May 16, 2004 01:46
*Downtown hoedown stories:
1) on the way to the hoedown walkin passed tour busses, guy stops us and asks us whats goin on, has beer, etc... thinks cooke is hott..lmfao..we thought he was famous and hes like what do u think? and yeah we were confused
2)EVERYONE around us smoking weed and blowing it in my face...i was about to kill the guy in front of me...i was about to be like "excuse me if youre going to do that in front of me, dont blow it in my fucking face!!! or else ill push u over the freakin balcony!!!" mo laughing...
3)Beer gettin spilled on me and jenn...the guy puts the cup on his head and goes oh my gosh im so so drunk im so
5)Molested by total strangers as they walk passed guess is 25 for the night
6)This guy outside his tour bus (opened for emerson drive) goes give daddy a hug to me, mo, and cooke..i go no thanks and smiled and he goes ohhh i love that smile!! and i was like umm yeah im 17!!! hes like really 40 and goes oh im 14 nice to meet you..and shook my hand and wouldnt let it go!! im like no, no hugs, no hugs... lol...dumb me, i had a varsity jacket on that said where i go, and hes like hey 16s legal, i go yeah if u were 18, its not statutory..but really legal is 18!! he goes naw im sure its like yeah im leaving bubye as ash goes to get a record contract..lmfao cooke!
7)Hi ashley ur the 3rd one i met tonight<--some drunk old are like 17 he goes u graduating this year, im like definitely not im a junior in highschool (like aka leave me alone) and he goes ouch im gonna stop talking...i was like why how old are 25..i was like wow bye as cooke yet again talks to "party boy" and dances with him as he has a HUGE dip in!
8)MMMM comboys in plaid..SCHWING!!!!*
*ALL in all, it was a good night!!*
*Lata ya'll*