May 27, 2005 08:46
*::Heck yes! school is almost done! 3 more school days and im peacin the eff out!::*
-Parade tonight at like 6 or 630 something like that and im in it...LOL! Homecoming queen woo...NOT....I just got yelled at for it last night! Are my parents not dillusional psychos because they just yelled at me bc my curls were too big in my hair and my crown was back too far when I was experimenting with my hair last night! Freakin weirdos...I think I am just alive to be there advertising child because they are only proud of me when I am pitching and they make me pass out stupid moes shat! I get all these scholarships and awards and what do my parents say...."oh...really? thats cool." WOW hold back the excitement only saving you THOUSANDS of dollars...ugh!-
::Lets just say I couldnt be happier to get out of this freakin dramatic high school! Get me the eff outta here!!!::