Jul 03, 2004 19:43

*OMG...no freakin joke I saw my twin today at softball! Shes a pitcher for the "DOMINATORS" and pitches like me, has the same body build as me and looks EXACTLY like me...even my parents/sister thought she was me when they walked passed her! Everyone kept on going hey did you see your twin...PEOPLE I DONT EVEN KNOW SAID THIS TO ME! Well if you ever see the dominators playing, they have the same colors in their uniforms...shes #22...*

*So today was my first time playing softball in about mmmm...2 weeks! oh man did it kick my butt! Today we didnt do too bad...We DEFINITELY should have beaten all the teams we played but not everyone was playing their best (including me)...theres off days...we'll get em tomorrow when it really counts! We played rocktown angels (#1 team in Indiana) and lost 5-1 which was so not kewl! Then we played southgate thunderbirds and won 4-0...then we played finesse! Let me just tell you..we got our asses handed to us! Their shortstop is going to be the university of michigan shortstop (u of m =big ten) and the catcher..maybe some of you have heard of her..stephanie sabo is going to emu...lets just say theyre sweet and we lost and im not gonna tell you how bad! lol...if you were me, youd do the same! Oh and the OTHER roells came to watch me today and it made me happy!!*

*I havent gotten to hangout with my friends lately..ever since I got back from phoenix! I wanna hangout with my friends!*

*I went to the wyandotte fireworks yesterday..which were pretty cute but then they made me realize how pathetic I am because I had a big fat no one to watch them with..and im sittin there with kristin and adam and I felt like a complete douche bag (no offense to you two because you made me feel better and hung out with me..which I appreciate!)*

*Well im gonna go chill out..its been one LONG day!!!!!*
*Call me sometime if you wanna hangout! ask me for the number;-)*

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