Pic-Spam Fangirly Joy

Jul 31, 2009 22:29

What follows is nothing short of all out fangirly joy, including Q, a mention of Colin, a dash of would-be crossover, and... Spike? So am I the ONLY person out there who appreciates John de Lancie for all his incredibly Q genius?? I hope not. That would be sad.

Also, on an unrelated note, I am writing several fics. I plan to post them, as soon as they're finished. Granted, this might take a while. I'm... a master procrastinator. Unfortunately. But when the inspiration flows, it does so well, and, um, I have too much caffeine in my system to think that sentence through to the end but I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. :D

Anyway... on!

He is so annoying that episode, yet all the same, terribly, strangely compelling. It's his stare... and his attitude... it's mesmerizing. Like... a snake? HE WOULD SO BE A SLYTHY!! 
XD Cross-over joy!

^ There are no words for my absolute love of the sexiness of this picture.

^ Contrary to what this picture and my fondness for this video www.youtube.com/watch might suggest, I don't do Trek slash. Even so. There is a weird (why does the word 'kinky' come to mind?) chemistry between Jean-Luc and Q and I can totally see why people would... suggest it. *evil grin*

^ Today is occurred to me that John de Lanice and Colin Mochrie have very similar eyes, and apparently I am a sucker for them.

^ This is the happiest picture I ever googled (accidentally) and is here because I like it so much. For some reason it came up on a search for Q. Just like this owww.youtube.com/watch is the happiest video on youtube.

^ Once again. No words. If he'd been looking at ME like that, I'd have... um... LOL probably peed my pants or something. That's one of my favorite things about de Lancie/Q. The INTENSITY. It's... thrilling.
The part of me that is attracted to suaveness, bad-boy-syndrome, adventure, power, and off-beat good looks simply finds him irresistible. As de Lancie called Q himself (after Lord Byron,) he's "Mad, bad, and dangerous to know." But you want to know him anyway. Just because he's that... *tries to think of another synoym for compelling/irresistible*

He was THREE HOURS from my house this summer at TrekExpo :( But I needed a great deal of money for the tickets and to get there and stay there and so forth, so... I didn't get to meet him. Or Leonard Nimoy. I nearly cried when I realized how close-far I was. So I'm stuck with looking at other people's autographed pictures that turn up in google searches. Oh well. I can dream. Actually Q has turned up in my dreams before... but then my dreams are usually wacky and/or disturbing anyway, so that's hardly a surprise.

^ This one just for laughs. :)

^ This is just quite simply the best/my favorite still shot from an episode. Ever. Of anything.

Oh yeah... this one. :D I made this a looong time ago. Accidentally printed it out when I hit a series of wrong buttons on my laptop (true story) and was too embarrassed to hang it in my dorm, so I gave it to a friend, who put it next to her bed! Then it got wet and turned a funny shade of green and most of it died, but a single square remained (I forget which one) and she still has it, stuck in a photo album somewhere. True story. :P

I honestly don't know whether to keep reading Harry Potter, go back to Star Trek, continue my exploration of Whose Line fandom, or watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I just watched "Conversations with Dead People" and when I saw Spike I was all Oh, that's why I liked this show... xD) Life is tough!

I think I'll take it all :D I don't work til Sunday... as my fellow insomniac friends say, sleep is for the week! muahahaha!

Well... the weak, but both work, actually!

*vanishes with a snap of fingers and burst of white light*


ETA: I'M NOT CRAZY! Other people see it too!

And I didn't even have to find it myself, a friend sent that link. Squee.

q, fangirl, star trek, joy

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