Apr 29, 2005 22:43
Wow well im staying up all night and i made a list of things i want to do by morning that i always say im gonna do and never do and updating this thing is one of them! So im staying up all night because im watchin adrian for the night and im to scared to go to sleep because im scared i wont wake up if he crys even though i wake up when he is crying every night...and he is in another room! Im just really nervous...so is my sister..she was freakin out when she left here! Anyways so thursday they found one of my cousins dead in his apartment...im still in shock! My birthday is Tuesday and no im not excited! My birthday party is May 28th i hope people come but im not so sure they will! Im definantly going to NY this summer. My uncle is going to book my flight so i can fly with my cousin on the same flight. Im pretty sure im going to stay for like 3 weeks! im excited about that! I hope i dont get homesick! That would suck majorly! So right now im workin on the newspaper for next year b/c since we are oh-so-cool lol we are going to freakin put out a paper on the first day of school! I have to find advertisin which is going to quite the task at hand. I so tired of school i cant wait till next year! Heck yeah! Oh so fun! I still cant believe i have to watch this baby all night...how unreal! So in newspaper the other day a huge gossip session broke out about Laurens collumn about Egotism. I personally thought it was well written and well thought out. But it seems everyone thought that she should look in the mirror before accusing anyone of thinkin they are better than anyone else! So they like 4 people take a marker and pretty much circle and make comments all over her collumn. I think it was really ridiculous how that became such a chaos. So they put it on her desk so that the next day when she came in (she had already left durin all that) i still dont know if she found it. But the part that bothered me was that they could all write all over her paper anonymously but could not tell her to her face...whatever....so i went to the mall today daring to find my MOM something for mothers day but it turns out i found somethin for me for mothers day even though i am by no means a mother. Me and my sis cannot seem to find anything...well im off to do somethin else on my list..~*xoxo