Jan 22, 2007 13:57
Hey Ya'll I have missed you soo much! it's just i've been too lazy to get on lj..lol plus i'm always on myspace! well since i've last been on here a few things have changed. Let's see I had my baby boy on Dec 24th,2006!! he is such a a beautiful baby!! he weighed 8 pounds, and 2 oz. Omg the labor was tough. Like to the max. I didn't start getting contractions until like 10:00 {on the 23rd} and they were bad..I couldn't stand the pain, but I did not get the shot on my back! I'm so proud of myself! but however I got the drugs from the IV but i still felt the contrations. Also when I was pushing him out. it hurt soo bad, k. anyways. I took him home Chirstmas night, I was so relieved to go home..it was very lonely in the hosptial and I wasn't comfortable sleeping there ya know what i mean?
Today I took my son a bath for the first time!! he didn't cry. and it went well! oh btw his name is Aidan! no middle name!
I have a boyfriend named ♥Xavier♥ so far so good. that's all I gotta say about that!
Okay until next time. Love ya!