Ingredient (PG, 100 words)

Nov 22, 2010 22:42

Title: Ingredient
Author: lilian_cho
Rating: PG
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Future m/m
Wordcount: 100
A/N: A
simulacra side drabble. This is Artwing from Buzzard.
Answers holidaysmut's Women's friendship challenge.

“What happened to your hair?”

The reporter’s long hair, usually gathered in a bun or tangled with her camera strap, now barely reached her chin.

Artwing smiled ruefully at Aurelianus. “Covered a fire and realized long hair is impractical.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t burn more than your hair.”

She grinned. “What, no insults to my intelligence for taking foolhardy risks?”

“You’re not an idiot, just insane,” Aurelianus said dryly.

“Anyway, I thought you might have a use for this.” She handed him a pouch.

He looked inside and fingered the glossy, mahogany lock. Beautiful.

“Consider it a favor.”

“Thank you.”


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