First time poster here.

Jul 04, 2010 17:42

Hope I've done this right?

Hi, I'm new here, and don't usually post much to LJ, but I was intrigued by some of the challenges here, and thought I'd submit this:

Title: Walls
Author: diabla616
Rating: M perhaps? Or maybe T.
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Samuel/Dave Dave/Robert.
Wordcount: 2539
Warnings: clichés galore. Swearing.

Any feedback at all would be much appreciated :)

Summary: The walls in the boarding-house are paper-thin, thin enough that Robert can hear exactly what Samuel and Dave are doing next-door, and torment himself with it.

"Look Hayes, I told you it was a one time thing"
"What about last night? Or the time when you-"
"I didn't hear you complaining"
The walls in the boarding house are paper-thin and though he's trying to be asleep until his roommate returns he can't help but hear the smirk in Samuel's voice. Dave sounds clearly devastated and Robert can't help but wonder once again why his friend keeps going back. Samuel Lyons is a classic closet case; too worried about his reputation to bother about who he's hurting along the way. .
The answer, unsavoury as it is, comes to him in seconds. Though he doesn't want to acknowledge it Samuel is hot; tall dark and handsome. Dark unfortunately is the only one of those which Robert can plead guilty to. Every girl Robert knows, and half of the boys, though most of them wouldn't admit it, are infatuated with Samuel bloody Lyons.

For his part Robert has been in love with Dave, his roommate and best friend since he was ten and Dave was ten and a quarter. A studious, awkward boy in a school full of boys like Dave Hayes and Samuel Lyons, overachievers in whatever they do, he readily acknowledges that he would have been lost had some stroke of good luck not paired him with Dave Hayes.

There is an audible sigh from the next room, and then Dave speaks again. He sounds defeated, totally unlike the confident, sociable boy who dragged Robert into his own semblance of popularity.
"Okay then, I'll just-"
He's cut off by a muffled thump and when Dave next speaks Robert lets out the breath he hadn't realised he was holding.
"Sam, what the-"
It's a sharp intake of breath which interrupts this time, and a soft moan. Something uncomfortable settles in Robert's stomach; he knows exactly what's going on now.

It was two years ago when Dave came out to him. By then they were both fifteen, and Dave had stopped measuring his age in half- and quarter- years in favour of staying up late in their shared room and sneaking out whenever the opportunity presented itself.
One night after one such escapade Dave had turned to him, half-drunk on the illicit booze one of the guys on their floor had brought from god-knows-where and just told him. Just like that. It might have been the effects of the alcohol, but Robert believes that Dave would have been equally as blunt had he been sober.
Dave's confession was a huge relief. Months of confusion; guilty sideways looks at Dave when he left the shower, wondering, agonising sometimes, why the twice-weekly lessons at the girls school held no fascination for him alone, and knowing, just knowing that one wasn't supposed to think of one's best friend even as his hands explored his own body in the shower, suddenly had a name. Me too, the words were on the tip of his tongue-even if telling Dave he liked him was too much he could at least return the favour with a shared confidence, when Dave continued:
"Rob, don't tell anyone, but there's someone I really like."
If he listened carefully Robert could hear the high, brittle sound of his heart breaking. Even Dave's subsequent admission that he had never even spoken to Samuel, and that the elder boy sort of scared him couldn't help. That night, once he was sure his friend was asleep of course, Robert cried himself to sleep for the first time of many to come. Robert never made his own confession, of course.

Though for a whole year nothing happened. Dave never worked up the courage to speak to Samuel. Robert never encouraged it, somewhat comforted, he later tells a close friend from the girl's school, by the fact that Dave was in the same situation as him. For a year at least Robert managed to be comforted by this strange stalemate. But then the summer of their sixteenth year happened, and when the boys returned to school Dave was taller, tanned and handsome. Robert, having spent most of the summer with him missed the full force of this evolution, Samuel Lyons, who never once looked at Dave before then, didn't.
It took two weeks for Dave to begin sneaking out of their joint room alone.

There's another thump from the next room, wood on wood, or more accurately wood on plasterboard, this time. The moan that follows it is decidedly louder. Robert doesn't listen for the sound of clothes rustling and falling to the floor, but hears it anyway, along with Dave's half-smothered expletive. Samuel is still quiet though, and Robert hates him a little more for that fact.

Robert has been in love with Dave since his first day at Moorwood Boys school. Since he was lost and lonely and confused in the only class which made sense, when a short, hyperactive boy sat next to him, talking nineteen-to-the-dozen.
"Hi, I'm David Hayes but you should call me Dave, only teachers call me David."
"Robert Brétain"
"Nice to meet you Rob, you're French aren't you? Wow, this class must be easy for you. Listen, could you help me? I suck at French. Hey! Has anyone shown you around? Moorwood is pretty big. They haven't? Cool, want me to?"
"Uh, sure..."
"No problem, just, um, could I borrow your answers? I forgot to do my homework."
And just like that Robert was in love. It didn't even matter that no-one ever called him Rob when he found out later that he was sharing a room with Dave.
The two were instantly inseperable. Dave as it turned out was exactly as Robert had first met him, enthusiastic to the point of being hyperactive, cheerful to a fault and more forgetful than anyone Robert had ever met, before or since.
Early on in their friendship Dave took the initiative to introduce Robert to more people:
“You don’t get out enough Rob, here-come and meet my friend-“
Despite his token protests Robert quite liked this turn of events: Dave had always been well-known and soon Robert was happily acquainted with a large group of Dave’s friends.
Robert met Sophie a few months into his second year at Moorwood. Sophie, unlike other girls he knew, was not obnoxiously forward, or shy. Sophie was open and friendly, and didn't flirt or regard Robert as if he'd do something horrible as soon as the teacher's back was turned. Sophie, it turned out was nothing short of a genius, in her language classes at least. Robert was immediately grateful for the opportunity this presented him to speak French, for at least a few minutes a day.
Dave hated Sophie at first, a reaction which surprised Robert. This hatred dwindled gradually to a burning competitive streak-when Dave commented that girls couldn't run as fast as boys Sophie challenged them both to a race (and beat them both), when Sophie mentioned her 'A' in French Dave 'casually' mentioned his 'A's in Maths, Biology and Chemistry. Aside from the competitive streak which irritated Dave so much Robert grew to love Sophie almost as much as he did Dave, though never in the same way. Dave for his part grudgingly grew to accept Sophie's presence and the two formed a truce.
When Robert came out, it was to Sophie. He told her in French, his heart hammering in his throat because he knew it could all go so badly wrong. Sophie, however already knew, she informed him in flawless French; with the way he looked at Dave, she had assumed everyone knew. Everyone but Dave who was still too busy mooning after Samuel bloody Lyons to notice.

Another muffled thud draws him out of his reverie. Robert can hear the springs on the bed in the next room. It's getting harder to ignore the tears burning at the corners of his eyes, especially when he hears Dave gasp out; "Oh fuck, Sam" in a voice which sounds closer to a moan than anything else. The next sound from the room next door is that of Dave doing up the zip on his jeans, and Samuel hissing at him:
"Remember Hayes, don't tell anyone."

There are tears in Dave's eyes to match the ones Robert has tried desperately to hide as Dave sits gingerly on the edge of Robert's bed. Robert sits up as he feels Dave's weight on his bed, rubbing his eyes. The pretence of still being half asleep serves as an excuse for the tears still in his eyes and a reason to avoid the awkward conversation about what they both know he's just heard.
He does the only thing he can think of, he hands Dave his handkerchief and puts his arm gingerly around the blonde boy's shoulders. Dave gives a quiet sob and relaxes into Robert’s touch. It wouldn’t be the first time the boys have fallen asleep like that, and it’s almost a matter of habit now for Robert to wake up early and relieve himself in their tiny en suite bathroom.

Samuel was lying when he told Dave it was just a one-time thing, because this has been going on for several months now. It's always Samuel who initiates the trysts, and Dave rarely leaves Samuel's room with a smile. He keeps going back though, and they don't speak of it. Samuel doesn't speak to Dave much during school, Dave hardly speaks to anyone and Robert contents himself with crying on Sophie's shoulder and pretending not to notice when Dave sneaks out at night.

It’s a couple of weeks before the next time Dave slips out at night, Robert’s feigning sleep as always, and trying to actually sleep this time, because he’s fed up with hearing his best friend’s heart break over and over again. This time, however is different. Samuel isn’t happy to see Dave, which isn’t that unusual, but this time Robert can hear anger in Dave’s voice instead of the weary resignation which is usually there.
“What do you want from me Sam?”
The sound of Samuel’s lips crashing against Dave’s tells Robert pretty decisively what Samuel wants. This time he slips his head under the duvet, and falls asleep, grateful that for once he’s too tired to torment himself by listening to Samuel take what he’s wanted for so long.
He’s woken by a thump, a short while later. Samuel's saying something, in a low voice. Robert is straining to hear just what is being said-Samuel rarely talks during their trysts-when Dave raises his voice in a clear:
Samuel sneers, Robert can hear it in the silence between them, and in Dave's exasperated huff. Robert has unconsciously sat up in his bed, wanting to know what's going on now, what has made Dave deny Samuel.

"Fine, why don't you just leave. I'm sure your little pet Brétain would be happy to take my place in future."
"Oh come on Hayes, don't tell me you didn't notice? The little fag has been following you about like a little puppy for ever"

Robert doesn't hear much more of the conversation, doesn't actually hear much more than his own breathing and that only because he's concentrating so hard to quell the panic rising in his chest. He's dressed and heading towards the common room when he hears Dave choke out,
"I've been so stupid"
and the door opens.

The sight of Dave, his hair still messed up and his shirt only half-buttoned in the doorway with Samuel scowling behind him stops Robert in his tracks. Samuel swears and pushes Dave out of his room. Dave takes a hesitant step towards Robert and whispers,
Robert flees.

He camps out in the common room until the next day, turning up to his classes early to avoid having to return to his room. The only class he has with Dave is Maths, and Dave is noticibly absent from that one.
"You can't avoid him forever, you know"
Sophie forces him back to his room at 7pm that evening. Robert is reluctant, but eventually persuaded by Sophie's counter-offer to lend him her clothes and a wig so he can pass as a pupil of the girl's school.

Dave looks like he hasn't slept at all when Robert enters their room. His hair is still messed up, and he's wearing the same clothes, though the shirt is fully-buttoned now.
"Was Sam right?"
Robert doesn't know what to say to this, so he says nothing. Tears burn at the corner of his eyes but he blinks them back fiercely. When Dave speaks again his voice is softer, coaxing.
"Please Rob, was he right?"
Robert nods, he can't seem to find his voice to admit it, but manages to whisper in a choked voice,
"I can move out if you want. I'm sure there's a spare room somewhere."
Dave half-laughs and shakes his head.
"I thought you were dating Sophie. I hated her for that."
When Dave stands up and corners him against the wall Robert's brain short-circuits. Dave's arms on either side of his shoulders prevent him from escaping, and when Dave's lips touch his own, hesitantly Robert can't help the moan which escapes his mouth. He's crying, he realises when Dave gently runs his thumb beneath Robert's eye.
"Rob, God, why didn't you tell me?"
Dave practically gasps out.
Robert can't manage more than a shaky laugh.
"You-you wanted Samuel. Not me."
Dave laughs, bringing his lips back to meet Robert's. His hands leave the wall to snake under Robert's shirt.
"Dave, w-what-"
His train of thought is promptly derailed when Dave's hands trail along the waistband of his trousers. Robert stops talking to gasp, closing his eyes.
Dave's touch is gentle, asking not demanding, and Robert can't help the way his body responds to the feather-light touches. He's never been more thankful for the wall at his back. As Dave's fingers trail slowly lower Robert feeling suddenly awkward next to the taller boy allows Dave to relieve them both of their clothes and lead him gently to his bed. He's gentle once more, and Robert, distracted by light touches and soft kisses takes a beat longer than strictly necessary to realise where they're headed. Once he does however, panic strikes.
"Dave, I-I've never-"

A light blush spreads across Dave cheeks and he lowers his head slightly to whisper;
"Me neither."
The shock obviously shows on Robert's face, because Dave hastily explains;
"Sam wanted to, and I did too, but not with him."
He laughs again and the blush across his cheeks becomes more pronounced,
"I guess I always thought it would be with you"
Which, Robert thinks, is the single hottest thing anyone has ever said to him. The next time Dave leans over to kiss him it's suddenly difficult to talk, impossible in fact to do more than breathe and give himself over wantonly to the sensations Dave's introducing him to.

Robert's reaching his peak, swearing low in French and gasping Dave's name decisively louder when the door to the next room slams visciously. Robert tries unsuccessfully to suppress his grin at the sound, Samuel it seems has discovered just how thin the walls in the boarding-house are.

best friends

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