
Dec 27, 2009 18:04

Title: Masks
Author: broken-moons
Rating: R
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Hawk/Arc
Word count: 859
Warnings: None

Ties into the 'Something new with wings' drabble in this post. I haven't done smut in ages, so this is less graphic than I'd intended to do. Apparently I have to ease back into it. Enjoy!

Superhero or villain, your costume was designed to be instantly recognizable first and foremost and intimidating or attractive second, but rarely easy to don or get out of. There were exceptions of course - rumour had it that Diamond’s skin-tight costume was not, in fact, actually a costume, and Lazuli just wore nice suits and actually posed for the press with his jacket slung casually over a shoulder. They had it easy.

Hawk was starting to regret that the body armour he’d designed required straps and buckles and an underlayer of soft fabric to reduce chafing. It was light as a feather - ha - he’d made sure of that, and he pretty much had a ritual these days for getting it on in under five minutes, but trying to squirm out of it while distracted and your fine motor skills disrupted by a mouth firmly attached to the only bit of skin your costume showed - your own mouth - was definitely easier said than done. Even if there was an extra pair of hands to help you.

‘Damn it, which way does this one open?’ Arc gasped, briefly releasing Hawk’s mouth while his fingers fumbled at a clasp under one of Hawk’s wings.

‘Up,’ Hawk breathed, trying to recapture Arc’s mouth. ‘Up, up and...’

‘Away?’ Arc said with a chuckle. ‘Been there, done that, my dear, and I’d rather not suffer another heart attack, or almost crash to the ground.’

‘I had it under control in time,’ Hawk protested. ‘Besides, it was totally worth it.’

‘So you say. But this had better be worth all this fuss with undressing you.’

‘You’re one to talk,’ Hawk said, shivering as Arc finally snapped the clasp open and the night air reached his skin through the thin fabric of his underclothes. ‘I don’t even know where to start on you!’

Arc chuckled again and stepped back a bit, swatting away Hawk’s hands as he grabbed for him. ‘Don’t you know anything about me by now?’ he said, and spread his arms. Hawk started to reply, but the words dried up in his throat as bits and pieces of Arc’s costume - a metal bodysuit that had him looking more like a robot than a man - gently drifted to the ground, leaving Arc clad in nothing more than his mask.

Of course. Though they had been rutting in alleys and stealing kisses up on roofs for weeks now, they were still supposed to be enemies, and you did not show your identity to an enemy.

And Arc’s armour was padded too, so no need for underclothes, and Hawk could not help but stare.

‘I am a diabolical master of electricity and magnetism, after all,’ Arc was saying, coming closer again and Hawk really needed to get out of his suit, now. ‘Too bad your costume has no metal in it, or we’d be skin to skin by now...’

‘Ah, not when I’m continually battling a diabolical master of electricity and magnetism,’ Hawk managed.

‘Shut up,’ Arc said and kissed him again, hot and hard. Hawk realised that with Arc so close and still intent on undressing him, his own hands were free to feel and grope and stroke, and soon he had Arc panting into his mouth and shuddering against him, fingers hooked into Hawk’s suit and no longer making an effort to undress him. Hawk let his hand drift to Arc’s arse and pulled him in even closer; Arc made a muffled sound that hinted of pain, and then tore his mouth free to moan out ‘Hawk!’ Hawk held him through his final shudders, suppressing the thought that it might be interesting to find out what it would like to hear his real name moaned in such a fashion.

Arc growled softly, leaned in for a hard and quick kiss, and tore away a few more pieces of Hawk’s suit before dropping down in a squat. Hawk was left to appreciate the support of the wall against his back, even though one of his wings was bent awkwardly. He did not care; how could he care, with Arc down in front of him, fondling and stroking, and at the first light touch of Hawk’s hands to his air, swallowing eagerly. Hawk watched, entranced by Arc’s lips, the focused look, and most of all by the appreciative moan when Hawk’s grip tightened involuntary at something Arc did with his tongue.

He could have watched this forever, but watching quickly became his undoing, and like Arc he whispered a name that wasn’t a name in a moment of passion that surely deserved something more.

Arc didn’t linger long; they never did. One of these days, Hawk knew, it would no longer be enough, and they would have to figure out what the hell this was and where it was going. But for now, Arc returned to whatever lair he had this month, and Hawk returned to the Alliance’s headquarters only briefly to report nothing unusual during his rounds before heading home and pointedly not looking out the big windows of his penthouse, where he could see the entire city, and most definitely not wondering where Arc was now.


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