Holiday Wishes, 2014-2015 Holiday Season!

Nov 11, 2014 09:00

holiday_wishes is officially open! Time to break out the wishes, gifts, Holiday spirit and good cheer!

The spirit of the Holiday Wishes meme is for everyone to put their hearts' desires out there, to wish for anything they could possibly want, no strings attached. The history of how it all started can be read here.

Since we are collecting all of these lists in a single forum, we do want to keep things as fair to everyone as possible. For that, we ask that you follow a few simple rules.  These are outlined below, but you can find the complete and detailed rules and posting guidelines on the community wiki.  Everyone who posts their wish list to this community is responsible for following these rules, as well as any updates given in mod posts.

Please note that, with the exception of mod posts, only wishlists are allowed to be posted in this community.  To thank another member for a gift, we recommend that you post in the holiday_thanks community.

When you post a wishlist, we ask...
  • That you post your wishlist once, and only once. Posting your wishlist twice may result in both wishlists being deleted.
  • That you keep your lists limited to no more than 10 wishes.
  • That you do not modify your wishlist once it's been posted.  You may not add or change items as wishes are granted.  Also, because people often use the number of comments a wishlist has received as an indicator of the amount of attention that list has been given, do not delete or screen comments containing offers of items.
  • That you wish for no more than one external wishlist (i.e. Amazon) and no more than 3 types of giftcards.
  • That you do not include a PayPal button or solicit general PayPal donations.  Asking for financial assistance for a specific reason (e.g. buying school textbook) is fine, but share your PayPal email address only.
  • That you tag your wishlist, at minimum, with your country or continent, and preferably with the types of items that you're wishing for.
  • That you do not change the default font size or color, and do not post images over 400 pixels.
  • That you do not use a cut-tag unless your wishlist is unusually long or has images.  (This sounds strange, but cut-tags make it harder for wish-givers to browse the lists!)
  • That for your safety, you do not post a home mailing address.  Although we will allow adults to include their home address if they choose to, we encourage you to use a P.O. Box address or to leave your e-mail address and only provide a mailing address upon request via private email to those you are comfortable giving it to.
  • That you do not solicit in comments for your own wishlist.  Do not comment on someone's wishlist with a link to your own list or otherwise solicit traffic to your own wishlist, unless the original poster has explicitly asked for a link to your wishlist.
When you want to grant a wish, we ask...
  • That you bookmark the wishlist of the person who's wish you're granting. That way you won't forget who wanted the last Coldplay CD, or who asked for the Battlestar Galactica icons.
  • That, when mailing something through the postal service, you include some sort of identifying information with your package or card (LJ username or e-mail address) so the recipient can thank you (unless you're trying to remain anonymous). Also, be sure to use proper packaging and check local regulations for items that may not be sent through the mail.
  • That you don't ask for anything in return.  This is not a gift exchange community; if you send someone a gift, they are not obligated to send one back. Also, note that no money is to be exchanged in connection with items distributed through this community. If you are selling something, please use another site.
When you receive a gift, we ask...
  • That you thank the person who gave it to you directly (via e-mail or commenting on their wishlist, or their journal), and if you wish (or if the gift was anonymous) thank them publicly on holiday_thanks (but please remember that not everyone watches that community, so the person who sent you the gift might not receive the Thank You.)
  • That you consider granting a wish in return and spread the love!
And finally, if a moderator asks you to edit your post, please listen to them. We are doing our best to keep this community fair and fun for everyone. Unfortunately, in a community of this size, this means we need to enforce our rules pretty strictly. Thank you for understanding!

If you have any problems, would like to report a problem with another community member, see a rules violation on a wishlist (i.e. someone who edited their post to include more than 10 items, or 2 wishlists that appear to be posted by the same person), please use the links on the left side of this community or contact a moderator through a mod post.  Please do not contact moderators on their personal LiveJournal accounts.

Your moderators,

bookaddict88, twilight2000, outoftime, kindergoth

!rules, !mod post, !reminders

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