"I, as secret as yon buried stream, plod dumbly on and dream . . ."

Dec 15, 2013 02:09

How did the year go by so fast? It feels like January was just last month, sometimes. Overall this year has been a good one, though busy! I teach and tutor math most of the time, and even teach the odd piano lesson. My schedule is very full, but somehow I squeeze in some time for Sacred Harp singing, fanfiction, languages, and enjoying my Linux ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

crumplelush December 16 2013, 16:38:47 UTC
I'm a linguistics student if that helps? PM me. :)


doranwen December 17 2013, 09:01:13 UTC
Sent you a PM! :D


circlingfreedom December 17 2013, 07:50:10 UTC
A little something is making its way to you from your wishlist.
Not sure if it will make it there for christmas. Sadly, I couldn't add a gift note but it's from me and they say it will be delivered dec 23-jan 9...


doranwen December 17 2013, 08:55:16 UTC
Oh, AWESOME. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, timing doesn't matter. (One year we had 'Christmas' with one side of the family on New Year's. The fun of that is we had the advantage of all the post-Christmas sales in getting presents. :D )

A mystery package is so exciting! :D


circlingfreedom December 17 2013, 10:04:16 UTC
We just had our family Christmas on Sunday. My bro, sis in law and niece are off interstate to spend time with sis in law's family.

Yes, mystery packages are awesome;)


doranwen January 6 2014, 09:00:34 UTC
Just got home from a trip and found The Garden of the Stone--no gift note, was that you? :D (It completes my collection of that series, so awesome!)


tarzanic December 18 2013, 21:12:12 UTC
A little something from your amazon wishlist is on its way. I believe it should arrive on the 20th. Happy Holidays! :)


doranwen December 18 2013, 22:49:56 UTC
Thank you! :D :D :D I'll be driving over to visit my grandparents' that day, and I'll get home just before Christmas, so I'll have a present to open Christmas Eve. How delightful! :D *loves opening packages in the mail, even when she ordered them, lol*


doranwen December 25 2013, 04:35:01 UTC
Yay!!!!! :D I'll have to reread it--has been SO long since I read them (I don't get to a library much these days). :D Thank you very very much! :D


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