Gift(let) for rinfics: Commonly Known Facts, a Hogwarts AU (Patrick Chan and many others)

May 30, 2010 01:04

Dear rinfics, your prompts inspired me so much that I kind of accidentally wrote something for one of the others as well. It's just a little vignette, so I'm posting it just as a small bonus fic in addition to your main gift, but I hope it amuses you. It was really fun to write!

Title: Commonly Known Facts
Author: athenejen
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Pairings/Characters: Patrick Chan/Brian Joubert/Daisuke Takahashi pre-slash, Yuna Kim/Adam Rippon pre-slash, Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir
Rating: G
Words: ~1600
Disclaimer: So very, very fictional.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Hogwarts AU! A tiny vignette from what may someday become a larger universe.
Notes: Written as a secondary gift fic for rinfics as part of the holiday_on_ice 2010 fic exchange. More than one of the prompts appealed to me, so my brain started generating lots of other ideas... and now this exists. It is more of a snapshot in time than a full-out fic, and it's essentially a somewhat off-the-cuff experiment, but it seemed like it might be fun to post it as a little bonus fic for rinfics. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed and loved, always.

It was a commonly known fact that Brian Joubert and Daisuke Takahashi hated each other.
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