Holiday on Ice 2010! Instructions and SIGNUPS!

Mar 14, 2010 18:36

We are having a fic exchange! Yay!

Welcome to the third intermittent holiday_on_ice ficathon. The first one was a standard winter-holidays ficathon in 2007, and the second one was for Valentine's Day 2009. For this one... well, there are no holidays coming up, but thexpuzzler and I are both May babies, so we're setting the deadlines at our birthdays, because we're selfish like that.

No, the real reason is that this fandom is full of new energy, and we want to encourage people to write and read and mingle.

This is an old-fashioned fanfic gift exchange. That means that you comment with a signup that includes prompts, we give your prompts to someone who can write them, and we give you a set of prompts that fit what you say you can write. The idea is to write a story especially for your recipient - and to get an equally fabulous and sparkly gift especially for you.

We're making it a fic-only exchange this time around. You can include art or a fanmix if you want, but your primary gift should be a story.

The story you write should be at least 1000 words long. You can write a series of drabbles or ficlets, but it should add up to at least 1000 total. Beyond that, you can write as much as you want, and everyone loves an epic.

The signup form will allow you to make three requests. Each should include a pairing or characters and a brief prompt. Write prompts that you think will inspire your writer and that will help them understand what kind of story you want to receive.

You can request fic about any skaters you want: past or present, any country, any discipline. Gen, het, m/m, f/f, threesomes... all fine.

I'm pretty sure this goes without saying, but this is a ficathon for RPF about actual figure skaters. We like AUs where people/characters from other fandoms are ice skaters, but that's not the purpose of this particular fic exchange.

All three of your prompts can be for the same skater or pairing, if you really want, but we encourage you to ask for a few different things. It'll make you easier to match with a writer.

One, and only one, of your requests can be a crossover. A crossover is any prompt that pairs a figure skater with one or more nonskaters. You can request a crossover with a real person who is not a figure skater (like an actor, musician, or athlete from another sport) or with a fictional character. Only one, though, please.

We will do our best to give you an awesome assignment - one that gives you several choices that match what you say you can write. Of course, the more flexible you are in your signup, the easier it is for us to match you with a request that you'll enjoy writing.

Since there are exactly 10 days between my birthday and thexpuzzler's, we're going to spread out the posting over those dates. Your fic will be due sometime between May 19 and May 29, 2010 - We'll assign you a date within that range. We'll give more information on how to post and format your fics when the due dates are closer.

We are fun people most of the time, but we are strict about deadlines and word counts. If you don't think you can write a long-enough story or finish it on time, then don't sign up.

But the rest of you! Go sign up! Do it! Don't make us get all Frank Carroll on you.

Here's your signup form. You can sign up by leaving a comment to this post.

LJ username:
E-mail address:

Prompt #1 (can be a crossover):
Prompt #2 (no crossovers):
Prompt #3 (no crossovers):

Anything you want to make sure you don't receive?

Which pairings, characters, and kinds of fic can you write?

Which pairings, characters, and kinds of fic can you absolutely not write?

Can you write a backup story if necessary?

Signups open right now! They'll stay open until March 31. You'll get your assignment in the first week of April.

mod, sign-up

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