Mar 14, 2006 13:34
Yesterday I flat out told Emma what was bugging me so much. I don't even care if she reads this because i'm putting this as a public entry, and I want EVERYONE to know. If she doesn't get the hint by NOW how damn annoying she is, and how FAKE she is, i've lost all hope and she truly would be the stupidest creature on this planet.
Second of all, Kelly finally asked me if i had feelings for Daniel. I flat out said that to be perfectly honest yes, i do. I told her that i had no intention of ruining what they have and i've treated him like i treat any of my other friends but since she wanted to get down to honesty, i wasn't going to lie.
She replied saying that when she first started noticing it she thought it was cute, and then people started going up to her and asking about it and that's when it got bad. She said she doesn't like when girls go after taken guys, and said that i just began to smother him. Then she made a restatement of what I had said, not intending to ruin what they have and how they have a perfectly happy relationship and yada yada and... yeah. I replied a last time saying that i was sorry because i didn't mean for it to get bad, and i didn't want for this to happen.
People need to understand that I didn't want this. Four months ago when I first met him? Pfft he was just gonna end up being another guy that was cute. Okay. Whatever. Yeah it didn't work out that way and a lot of people don't seem to take it in that I didn't ask for this to happen, and I still don't want it to be like this. If I can move on finally, then great! I welcome that day, but until it comes I will have to sit and suffer in akward silence every time I'm around him. I hate it.
So yeah, now everyone knows.