I thought it was time to update.

Mar 26, 2008 10:51

So it turns out, if 2:30PM is the new 8AM, then 8AM is the new 2:30PM, because that's when I go to work in the morning. The college gave me two mini-semester classes to teach, 16 hours a week, 8-noon, and it is keeping me busy and slightly tired. It pays, but how much is everything worth, anyway? Good for the wedding, though.
I've been recently having a new development in my thinking, spurned by a very close person in my life, where everything has been, more or less, kicked into overdrive. It's like my mind can't sit and be idle for longer than 10 or 12 minutes (where I used to veg for hours at a time). I've got to be doing something, thinking something, searching, solving, something. It's exhausting, to tell you the truth, but maybe it's good. Or maybe it isn't capable of having a value statement. Also having a problem with definites. Maybe. I never took any philosophy classes, and I'm wondering if it is starting to catch up to me.
I've also been thinking about the transience of everything, and how solidity and permanance has always made me feel secure, but nothing in life is permanent, so if that is what I base my happiness on, how can I ever feel good about my life? I can't, I don't think. So I am looking at the moment. Trying to feel and be and everything. It is all very new, and I am not sure how well this is going into words, but it is going on paper for me.
Aside from my mind, the other projects I want to work on soon are getting my car going well, cleaning the house, getting my mp3 player stocked full of good stuff, and sorting through the things in the attic. Wish me luck.
Not great literature here, but I hope it helps me understand myself better.
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