Jul 31, 2005 21:14
so yesterday i was extremely sad becaue i had another conversation with anthony. at first i was like this whole conversation about how mcuh fun we had a CAP and how we're coming back next year (i ever talked to his brother THRAKKKKKKKKKKKA and he talked to chanelle). Then all of a sudden u can hear my mom in the backround asking me hes my boyfriend on the phone and i tell her "no" and he laugh.then as the conversation went on about who liked who and who was MIA to the 4th floor. he siad that he thought that i liked TEDDY (my cousins crush, and i reminded him of the tyme when i talked to him and said that i liked him and he said that he thought i liked teddy and i told him that i didnt. HE DIDNT BELIEVE ME AND HAD THIS IN HIS HEAD THA WHOLE TYME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shyt man. Then we fianlly went back 2 Cracking all of our old time jokes and my little sister making fun of me and him the whole time....PRICELESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Ok he acted like he had to ask me a question cuz he did the whole thinking noise...I asked him what and he said that he had only one question to ask and that was the infamous "DO YOU STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME?" and u all know that something is wrong whith me when i get quet on the phone.....so i made up some bullshyt answer saying that i will always love him....but i love him as more than a freind just a lil bit. AHHHHHH i screamed over and over again what have i done to myself as i hear his father in tha background say "ARE YALL GETTING MARRIED OR SOMETHING?" my heart was almost dead so i said yea thats what raylene say and laughed. and he said "No" were not. then thats when the conversation got quite......... i dunnno.he said that we couldve beeenn. But i guess thats in the past.
Then today i get a phone call and its Shawn (form school). At first he was just talkin about how he just wanted to talk to me and asking me about my summer and how things were going. Then he put his brother on the phone and thats when i shouldve known something was up because hes always taking about how he hates his brothers. THEN about 10 mis later after we ended our call i get another one and its his cousin thas moving to germantown. And at first hes asking all these wierd questions.....well theyre not wierd but they are perttyyyyyy dumb. THEN.......he said that Shawn likes me. just like that. He said that hes always talkin about me and how "you can tell that he has a girl in his eye" and thats you....SPEACHLESS. I ask his cousin was this a joke and were they holding him down or something....he replies no hes right here.. DAMN