(no subject)

Jul 21, 2015 00:59

I just want to do at least five things at once.

Third day of my weekend, and it's so strange to have free time, I'm tricking myself into thinking I can do EVERYTHING in one day.

I've been so scattered, I haven't been able to just write down a too-do list.

  • Practice accordion
  • Sew Uhura collar on my Redshirts shirt
  • FINISH some of my backed up sculpey doodads
  • Draw things
  • Contact people about business stuff on all ends
  • watch multiple TV shows
  • find a studio to join so I can work with metal again
  • shop for kilns
  • search for supplies
  • Watch a zillion movies
  • Modify preferences on new laptop
  • inking
  • sewing
  • woodworking
  • metal
  • jewelery
  • get a new bike

Anyway you get the idea. Wonder what the html's gonna end up looking like, there.
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