(no subject)

Dec 03, 2014 14:49

20-year-olds, 40-year-olds, same fucking deal. Only less fucking.

And that's all I'll say about that.

Appreciating my boring little life. It feels like letting my eyes adjust to the dark, seeing stars I'd never noticed before. Endless, intricate beauty.

It sucks, being so easily overstimulated. I realize this has been an ongoing theme in my life. I just want to curl up with headphones and listen to the same comfort-song, over and over.

That said, I feel I've been rather heinously bitchy lately. Mostly internally. Tapped out of dopamine. Wandering aimlessly. Angry at humanity for not checking itself. Everyone's a phoney.

At least when I'm this kind of depressed, as it levels off, it makes dutiful work easy. I don't want anything, so I don't spend money. There's nowhere I'd rather be, so I might as well Work. My budget is $7./day. I had gone for weeks, thinking "if only I had seven dollars." at least this way I can provide that, after rent and bus fare. student loans? HA!

At least my roomies are nice. Quirky, but nice. (Thats ME saying that.) I am enduring this life style if only for that.

The kitties are nice, too.

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