[ I Play ] Jubilation Lee ;
blowsurmind | Nogami Airi ;
coffeejesus | Inui Takumi ;
autovajin | Shiba Takeru ;
pussyfortono | Portgas D. Ace ;
holeintheace | Kikuchi Hiro ;
asterisking | Kandou Jan ;
tigerken | Elena Gilbert ;
dopplegangs | Kiyama Ryuichiro ;
downbeating [ Available on ] ( AIM | Shiba Takeru ) ( E-MAIL | glitchery @gmail.com ) You'll have better luck reaching me by leaving a mssg @ my contact post. Or pinging Raimei, my secretary, @
canihassword. Or in IRC.
[ Nicks in Chan ] Takeru, Airi, Takumi, Jubilee, Ace, KikuchiHiro, Jan, Elena, Kiyama
[ Chans I'm in ] #campfuckudie ; #timeforaclimax ; #chanchanfruit ; #yarr ; #shiptopsyou ; #phallus ; #myverysecretlj ; #mountjustice ; #timestreampunch ; #notthebus
[ Timezone/Language ] ( EST / GMT -5 )
[ Betaing ] If you want?
[ Thread Jumping ] Okay.
[ Thread Dropping ] hit me with a ping if you need me to pick a thread up.
[ Crack vs. Emo ] I am okay with both.
[ Comfort Levels ] I am okay with anything.
[ Other ] it's pirate time