Sour little rotten apple

Aug 10, 2009 10:43

Oh great... and now she has cancer. THis spoiled little scorpio has lived her whole life molycoddled and protected and spoiled till she is like a sour rotten little apple. And for some reason tony and his mother are bewitched and still cant see the error of their ways. So little spoiled girl comes to our house one 4 of july with another shady boyfriend whom she is desperatly seeking a real connection to... alas all they ever want is sex... and she comes high off her ass on E. But then she needs more to fill the void and shady drunken boy drives her to his dealers house... gets her totally fucked up on coke and then brings it back here. Where they proceed to lock them selves in our office and snort it.
I make them open the door. Let them know how fucked up they are... what disgusting loosers they are and shame them. I want them gone from the house. But no...... Tony see this as a reward time (after all cant i see she is just seeking his attention?). So now he listens to his coked out neice prattle on and on with her coke enduced blabber till the wee hours of the night.
I am utterly disgusted. I email his mom... because she deserves to know what jossy is doing with her undeserved allowence. This causes  many fights. I digress... a few days later.
We are at the 49er training camp and then to the boardwalk with tony's nephews. Tony gets a call... oh joy! Jossy is coming over tonight! With her druggy bf Evan. Oh man... why can't she come with out him?-me
Why do you not like her bf?-sp
No i dont like him. I think he is shady-me
Why do you think that? Because he drinks?-sp
No because he does drugs. He brought drugs into our house.-me
Oh man... thats gross.. did you see him do them? Was he rolling them right there in front of you? Was jossy doing them?-sp
Um... i didnt see them. I wasnt in the room-me
Was jossy in the room?-sp
Yes she was.-me
Shoot to a few days later and here i am on myspace.  I get an IM> I cant beleive you told  my brothers i did coke. Thanks a lot... blah blah.
I can't really recall. because it was teen anger... kinda like teen angst. PRetty retarded either way you look at it.
Anyhow it ended with her saying well next time i come over i won't be talking to you. and you can expect a lot more guys coming over as buffers.
So i say... well we will see how often you come over then. It's a pitty you have to be like this. Tony loves you and still wants to see you.
Tony just doesnt see it. How they are slowly ruining her. I think it's too late now. She has just become someone no one wants to be around. Save those pathetic dogs who use her and keep her around for eye candy to support their habits.
How can you love someone and keep doing the wrong thing for them over and over and over again? I just don't understand the dont ask dont tell relationship that seems to go with these Nevou riche. We got money honey and all our problems will go away we can get that one last fix and escape from the shells of our sheltered life and try to forget that we are cultureless materialistic escapists... Yeah if i surround myself with the same i can forget that there is so much more our there that humans are ment to feel. And i can be happy with this life. I can just be satisfied that i didnt have to work for the things i get.
Oh but what will you do miss depressed when you see that they all let you go..? They let you slip away into your own oblivian. They erected a nice little alter for you. Filled with pictures of rings and oversized sunglasses and bleached blonde hair. You know that it would almost be better if it ended soon. Because your memory will be so much better then you ever could. And guess what else? All the pressure is off? You never have to amount to anything. because you can now be cannonized as the perpetual victim they all supported you becoming.
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