Usually I scoff at the snowfall in Northern VA, but this is pretty intense. It doesn't help that the roads are poorly maintained during inclement weather. Way to go, Virginia, way to go.
But it's pretty. And if CL calls me in this weekend they'll have to get someone to pick me up and drive me, whether it's someone from the police department or another counselor. So I don't have to worry about driving until Monday afternoon.
Tonight I plan on making mango curry with tofu and mixed veggies, and some
poached pears with a saffron-citrus syrup as dessert. Possibly over some ice cream. I might wait on that until around the time my flatmate's supposed to get home from work. Hopefully it'll be tasty. I'm 'vegetarian for a month'. I'm a little over a quarter of a way through. It's on
my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. Ultimately I'd like to go vegetarian for good, like my sister. Maybe this'll be it!