I need more than one Eleven icon. Anyway--spoilers under the cut as usual.
I bet everyone who hated Amy's Choice loved Cold Blood. It all comes down to whether you like plotty episodes or character episodes.
I'm not thrilled with Cold Blood and not only because a character I like kicks it. I'm quite used to that by now--if I like a character who isn't indispensable, it's almost a guarantee that they'll be dead by the end of the season. It's that I think Moffat is playing tricks with us and he's not hiding it particularly well. I don't buy that Doctor Who has consequences for the more central characters, so I don't buy Rory's death. New!Who has a history of bringing people back, and while Moffat has changed a bunch of superficial stuff, I don't believe he's made the series as different as he'd like us to believe. So I fully expect Rory to be back in the finale. If he isn't, I'm willing to revise my opinion, but until then I'm calling shenanigans.
What I'm getting from Cold Blood is that it is setting up plot B while trying to advance plot A. Moffat set up a plot for next season and then had to shoehorn in plot for this season at the end. We'll see that day when the Silurians wake up again. Maybe in the finale, but if not, definitely next season.
And what was up with that beginning? The whole "decontamination" scene was completely unnecessary and didn't add anything to the episode at all. It was padding that took up time that could have been used to ease the frenetic pace of the ending. Unless this is a scene that will be important at a later date (which I sort of doubt, frankly) then it strikes as poor writing.
Amy seemed like a generic companion for the first time ever. The Doctor was awesome though, especially telling Ambrose to let Rory do the talking. Yay for confidence in the companions!
Everyone knows about the crack expect the Doctor. Because something/one from his personal history got dropped into it and never existed. Just saying.